Meghan Reilly, LCSW
CCIH Partner & Trainer
You can learn more about Meghan’s work at:
Articles written by Meghan Reilly, LCSW
COVID-19, Essential Trauma Concepts, IP-Integrated Practices for Healing Trauma Groups, Trauma-Informed Services
Integrated Practices in the Time of Coronavirus
In the 10 years I have been facilitating Integrated Practices (formerly Becoming Safely Embodied) group, before this past March I had not considered providing them online. I have run groups consistently throughout these years as a part of my practice and I am deeply connected to this aspect of my work. Due to the…
Deepening Connection and Healing through the Group Experience
How do I know if I should do a group experience? What are the criteria for readiness? As I write this, another cohort of brave people is halfway into a 12 week group experience, supporting their individual healing paths by participating in Becoming Safely Embodied. There is no replacement for solid, trauma-informed individual treatment for…