CCIH now offers Nursing CEUs!

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We are excited to say that the Chicago Center for Integration and Healing is now a licensed provider of CEUs for nurses in Illinois!

CCIH has been offering continuing education on the treatment of trauma to mental health providers for over 10 years. Our programs are designed to help providers deepen into their work with trauma, connect with other professionals, and stay up to date on current research and thinking about attachment, trauma, complex trauma (C-PTSD) and dissociation.

We look forward to connecting, sharing knowledge and offering professional development to a new community of health providers. 

CCIH offers several options for continuing education, including:

You can see all our offerings at:

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Victoria Birkbeck

Victoria Birkbeck is the practice manager and professional development coordinator at CCIH. She supports CCIH’s work by handling day to day organizational operations, as well as planning and coordinating it’s… Read More