Jenny Feliciano, LCPC

CCIH Staff Therapist


Jenny Feliciano, LCPC
CCIH Staff Therapist
Pronouns: she/her/hers

Articles written by Jenny Feliciano, LCPC

  • Let’s Talk About ADHD: Part 1

    Let’s Talk About ADHD: Part 1

    Despite vast amounts of research articles and books on the subject, Attention DeficitHyperactive Disorder (ADHD) continues to be misunderstood.Part of the confusion may stem from the fact that the name ADHD is a misnomer, considering that there is no deficit of attention. So, what is it ADHD? Rather than a deficit, there is an abundance…

  • Self-Compassion During Complicated Holidays

    Self-Compassion During Complicated Holidays

    With Mother’s Day having passed recently and Father’s Day around the corner, it is important to touch on the fact that these celebrations do not land the same with everyone. Being a therapist gives me the privilege to witness how painful these two days can be for someone who has experienced loss or who has…