Individual and Group Clinical Consultation
CCIH offers a range of professional and community development opportunities for therapists in the area. See our offerings below.
If you have any questions, or would like to take advantage of these services, contact:
Amy Zajakowski Uhll, Director
773-754-7441, ext. 2011

Individual Consultation
CCIH staff are available to provide Individual Consultation to psychotherapists who are seeking to integrate more trauma-informed practices and theory into their ongoing clinical practice. At CCIH, we believe that we how we are with our clients is as important as what we do. In Individual Consultation we also support the therapists’ exploration of their own embodied experience in their work with clients.
Group Consultation
Trauma-Focused Study Group
A monthly reading and discussion group which focuses on current research and theory in trauma and attachment and its application to clinical practice. We will study and discuss many of the prominent thinkers in this field including Bessel van der Kolk, Pat Ogden and David Wallin. Our discussion will explore the readings themselves and clinical applications. Bring your lunch and participate in this stimulating conversation.
Fourth Thursday of each month
Free, 1.5 CEU’s available with $25 fee.